Saturday, November 7, 2009

ex-medcy's commitees gathering at ana ikan bakar petai,tanjung lumpur,kuantan

And x lupa jugak nak ucapkan kat aizat ( berbaju hijau),selamat pengantin baru,moga berbahagia hingga syurga.
ex medcy commitees
ukhuwah fillah

community out reach program at sek men keb abu bakar

After 3 month did many works,faced many conflicts with management,lastly we accomplish our mission to do research about our topic:pharmaceutical care at sek men keb abu is a day that all group presented their project analysis which took 4 hours to be finished.i attached here some photos which is especially dedicate to our supervisor sister nurul affidia, and my group members syahmi,fathullah,amiruddin,huda,yana,nani,nabihah,atikah,and syafiqah.we will miss d memories and hardship together..

ni lepas habis seme keje,baru ada peluang nak bergambar